Tuesday, May 24, 2011

And the Winner Is...

After going through all my Stationery Show orders and calculating the totals for each item, the winner of most orders at the show (by a landslide) is this card:

Congratulations, little card, on being so popular! And if you want to pick one up for yourself, you can find them right here.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Mata Traders

Last Thursday, Nana did a trunk show of new summer dresses by Mata Traders, an amazing line of clothing that works with women in India and Nepal to create beautiful block printed dresses, skirts and tops. Usually fair-trade clothing comes out looking more soccer-mom than stylish, but their dresses are gorgeous. In fact, I bought this first dress and will probably wearing it every day this summer. I love the way they combine prints and solids in their designs, and will definitely be getting a few more. Check out the full collection online here, or if you're in DC, stop by Nana to see them in person!

All images courtesy of Mata Traders.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Stationery Show In Review

I'm back home from the National Stationery Show, which was simultaneously one of the most of exhausting and one of the greatest things I have ever done. It was amazing to meet so many people who do what I do, and make real-life friends with people I have been talking to online for so long. I'm already planning new ideas for next year's Stationery Show.

I had heard that the last few minutes of the show could be the busiest as buyers rushed around to place last-minute orders, but almost no one came through on the last morning. People were watching their clocks as the last few seconds ticked down, and at 12:00 exactly, the whole hall erupted as people started rushing to pack up their booths and get out. My booth took twelve hours to install and less than an hour to tear down, as we rushed to beat the crowd and make it to a Thai restaurant for a huge lunch and celebratory beers. We did take a few minutes pre-tear down to take some final pictures of the booth though, including the picture above where I appear to have only one arm.

It was bittersweet to end the show; on one hand I was exhausted from the long days and months of preparation and so ready to have a day to relax, but it was sad to take down the booth and say goodbye to everyone I had met during the show.

We were in the fantastic row 1200. I got out of the booth a few times to meet people and take walks, but after seeing post-show write-ups on other blogs, I am realizing just how many great booths I missed. It was hard to see everything because I didn't want to leave the booth for too long and miss people coming by, so I'll just have to discover all those amazing vendors online.

And now I'm home, with a huge notebook of new contacts and follow up emails to write (and my note from Lotta Jansdotter, which I'm going to hang in my studio), orders to work on and packages to ship. I took the whole day off yesterday to recover, and now it's back to work. See you at the 2012 Stationery Show!

Plus: for some great round-ups of the Stationery Show, check here, here and here.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

NSS So Far

I just got back from Day 3 of the National Stationery Show, and it has been amazing so far. I've heard so many nice things from people at the show: buyers, other exhibitors, press. The best part for me has been meeting people whose work I have admired for so long. This morning, I came back to my booth after getting a snack to find a note from the amazing Lotta Jansdotter congratulating me on my great work. I couldn't believe she had been there, so I found her a few aisles down and had a great conversation with her, it was so surreal!

I also got to meet the amazing women of Minted who were incredibly friendly and smart, and I got to schmooze with them for a while. Other highlights were meeting Anna Bond of Rifle Paper Co., seeing faces behind all my favorite cards, especially the T.Hanks card, and meeting people who own stationery stores around the country.

There's one more half-day left, and I'll definitely be sad to rip the booth down at the end of the day tomorrow. After working so much for the last six months to get it ready, it's been great to see it come to life, and to share what I've been working on with so many people.

Right now, I'm looking forward to spending one more day at the show, and then I will really need the massage I booked for Thursday. Standing, selling and smiling all day is exhausting.

Thanks to everyone who has made it a great show so far, and if you're at the show tomorrow, make sure to stop by Booth # 1256!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

All Set Up

It's all ready! We spent eight hours today getting everything ready, and it looks perfect. There were definitely some roadbumps, the booth was much smaller than I had anticipated so we had to cut down the shelves, and the table legs didn't fit but we found a great solution. So now I'm going to eat dinner, watch bad TV and relax before the show starts tomorrow.

And the final setup!

New Website Launch!

Just in time for the Stationery Show tomorrow, my new website is launching today! I'm so happy with it and I can't wait to show you all, so head over to www.katharinewatson.com and take a look around.

Meanwhile, I'll be heading over to set up my booth (# 1256) today. We got in to New York late last night, and after half an hour of Joe driving like a crazy man through New York traffic and me thinking I would have to throw up, we made it. There's a long day ahead, but I will be sharing some pictures of the booth setup tonight, so make sure to check back for those!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Almost Ready

In two days, we are heading to New York for the National Stationery Show. Thanks to hundreds of to-do lists and months of preparation, I am feeling surprisingly calm and ready, which is amazing and highly unusual. I still have one more to-do list to tackle, but I'm feeling good. I will be taking plenty of pictures at the show, so check back next week for the setup! For now, I have a few little details to show you, without giving too much away:

If you are going to the show, be sure to stop by Booth # 1256 to take a look at the full line. And check back here in the next few days for another exciting announcement!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Weekend In Review

This was a great weekend, with two amazing shows, beautiful weather, and plenty of great people coming in and out of the booth. On Saturday, I set up at the first Fenton Street Market of the year in downtown Silver Spring. I did the Fenton Street Market last year, when it was in the old location, and this location was a hundred times better. There was so much foot traffic coming through with the farmers market, shops and restaurants, and we even stayed an hour late because it was so crowded.

Sunday was my trunk show and demonstration at Nana in Mt. Pleasant. I had never done a demonstration like this before, and it was great to show people how the items were made while they were shopping. Nana is such a great space, and I was tempted by the amazing clothes all day while I was working.

So many people stopped by to watch and try it out, from people who had never heard of block printing to artists who were glad to watch someone at work. A big thank you to everyone who stopped by both days!