Thursday, December 11, 2014

Come to the Holiday Market!

I'm all set up at the Downtown Holiday Market for the next week! If you're in DC, I'll be there until Wednesday, December 17th every day from noon-8pm, so come say hi! And if you're not, don't forget you have until December 19th to order for Christmas delivery!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Holiday Shipping!

Get your orders in by December 19th for Christmas Delivery! There are lots of new prints and holiday cards in the shop so take a look right here. Happy Holidays!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

New in the Shop

I spent the last two days updating the shop, which is now full of new products! Lots of new prints, new holiday cards and more. You can find them right here.

Also, if you are retailer you can now find us on Etsy Wholesale! You can find our wholesale linesheet by searching "Katharine Watson" on the Etsy Wholesale website. Happy browsing!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Coming to DC!

This weekend I will be driving down to DC for Crafty Bastards! I'll be there Saturday (9/27) only from 10-5. It is always an amazing show and I'm lucky to leave without spending all my money; the quality of the vendors is always so good.

Crafty Bastards is at Union Market this year, at 1309 5th Street NE, near the NoMa-Gallaudet University/New York Ave metro stop.

I hope to see some of you there, it's going to be a great show!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

To Summer

August is almost over, but I'm wishfully thinking that summer will last a few more months. There is no better time of year to me than when ice cream counts as dinner, jumping in the lake counts as exercise, and weekends are spent lying out in the sun and taking road trips.

I am looking forward to fall though as it will bring lots of travel and new projects, including gearing up for holiday art shows which might be my other favorite time of year. I've already started on working on building up my holiday inventory and organizing my show schedule for December! That means lots of time on the printing press, and even more time folding and packaging cards.

But here's to soaking up the last few weeks of sunshine, grilled hamburgers and late nights outside! Happy Labor Day weekend!

2015 Calendars available in the shop right here.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Stationery Sets in Living

Very exciting news: my stationery sets are in Martha Stewart Living this month! It's definitely a dream come true to see them in print in such a major magazine. Pick up a copy if you get the chance!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

From Vietnam

Definitely getting the travel bug again and wishing we were back eating breakfast in a rice paddy.

Monday, June 30, 2014

New Calendars are Here!

The new calendars are up in the shop right here! I may have already mentioned how excited I am about these. I decided to design them when I couldn't find a write-in calendar to hang in my studio that wasn't either free from the bank or featuring cute kitten photos (not that I don't love those.) So I decided to take on the project myself and came up with this 12-month wall calendar.

Each month features a different block printed design that was then scanned and added to the grid so there is plenty of space to write events and appointments. Then, the whole thing was offset printed, bound and hole punched so it is ready to hang. 

I think I'll be hanging mine up now even though it doesn't start for another six months.

Monday, June 9, 2014

The 2014 National Stationery Show

We are back from the National Stationery Show, and it was another good one! This was my fourth year prepping like crazy and hauling everything from the studio down to the Javits Center in NYC. It's definitely the finals week of the stationery world. But this year felt easier after three previous shows; I was prepared for all the roadbumps including calendars that were never delivered (we got replacements) and shelf brackets that wouldn't hold a shelf (thanks IKEA!) After three years, I knew these things were coming and gave myself plenty of extra time to set up and get everything ironed out just in time.

It was definitely my favorite booth yet! I loved the dark teal color on the walls, and all the late nights spent printing before the show paid off when I got to display all the new products. We launched a new 2015 write-in calendar and a lot of other products I am so excited about. They'll all be going up in the shop in the next few weeks, and we are taking orders through hello (at) as well.

I always need a few days on the couch to recover from the show: long days of standing, selling, smiling and mingling really take it out of you. But I'm back in the studio and in the midst of shipping out orders to a ton of new stores. I'll be updating the Stores List once everything is shipped out!

Overall it was another fruitful NSS with lots of great contacts and leads made, and hopefully a few exciting projects coming down the line!

Friday, May 16, 2014

To the National Stationery Show!

It's that time of year again: we are headed to New York for the National Stationery Show! That means there is a huge product launch just around the corner, but for now I am busy setting up my booth and going over all the last minute details. I'll be back with booth photos and a look at some new products after the show, but if you are going we would love to see you in Booth 1941!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Letterpress Invitations

I have another new invitation to share today, this time it's a letterpress wedding invitation I did for Minted, available right here. I love the way the impression of the printing plate looks in these photos, and the invitation is customizable with any of their ink colors.

I made the design with a linocut that Minted then turned into a letterpress plate, and they hand print each one (so these are printed in their studio, not mine). Take a look!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Artist FAQs

Every week I receive lots of emails from other artists and business owners asking about inspiration, running a business, daily workload, etc., so today I thought I would share some of those answers here for anyone else who is curious.

This is a selection of my favorite questions I've been asked in the last few months, in no particular order. If you are out there working as an artist or running a business, I hope the answers can be of some help to you! Accompanied by some messy studio photos to set the scene:


What inspires you?
I am constantly inspired by stepping out of my studio. It can be easy to get stuck doing the same thing or focusing too much on little details, so I find that the best way to think of new ideas is to step away, whether that means taking a walk for ten minutes or going on a vacation and really stepping away. When I sit back down again, I find that the ideas flow much more easily than before.

Do you ever suffer from creative block? If so, how do you tackle it?
I have to say I don't really believe in creative block. If ideas aren't coming to me, it usually means there is something else that needs to be done first, like shipping orders or focusing on accounting for a few hours. Once I take care of those other projects, it's much easier to focus on making new work. If it's still not happening, I refer to the above advice and step away for a little bit.

What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started your business? Or what advice would you give to an art major?
Take classes in digital art/Photoshop/Illustrator/Web design! In my opinion, it is impossible to be an artist today without knowing those skills, since slef-promotion and having a web presence are so important today. So no matter what kind of art you do, you will need to be able to put together brochures, postcards, websites etc. to sell that work. I've taught myself some of that, but I wish I had learned it more formally while in school!

What is your favorite thing about creating greeting cards?
I love that it is an affordable piece of art work. I've sold big pieces of art before and it's sad to see people really admire what you do but no be able to afford it. I love that people can frame a $5 greeting card and get the same joy from it.

How did your business come about (and when did you start)?
I studied printmaking in college, and also studied block printing while studying abroad in India. After college I worked in a paper store, and began combining printmaking and stationery. I started to sell it at a few art fairs and to friends, and eventually it grew in to a larger business. After about a year of a heavier workload I quit my job to focus on printmaking full time, and it grew exponentially from there.

What has been the hardest single obstacle to your life in design (apart from a shortage of time, which seems to be universal amongst creatives!)?
There hasn't been one single obstacle, but running a business has been all about little obstacles. Suppliers with products out of stock, orders with emergency deadlines, mistakes on the press, packages delayed in the mail. All of these little challenges are incredibly frustrating at the time but help in the long run as you develop strategies to get around them.

How do you stay motivated? What inspires you?
Paying the bills is a big motivator! If I ever don't feel like working, I remember that there are customers waiting for their orders and other administrative things that need to be finished. That is a good motivator to stop procrastinating. It's also easy to stay motivated when you love what you do!

Who do you admire (other artists/designers; other people generally) and what/who are your biggest influences, past or present?
I really admire people who create work and don't get to put their name on it: textile artists, weavers, printmakers, folk artists from around the world. That is the kind of work that inspires me.

Describe your creative space.
I have a studio in my garage with work benches, my printing press, my massive paper cutter, and my desk where I answer emails, sketch new designs and carve linoleum blocks. It is usually in some state of "creative" chaos.

What is the best piece of advice you've ever been given?
Find your niche. Do what you are best at, find your own style and you will stand out. I think what has made me successful is having such a narrow focus.

Are there other artistic projects you like to do around the house or that you'd like to introduce to your existing business?
Before I started my business, I was constantly working on side projects for fun. Now that I spend so much of my time printmaking and running my business, I don't have much energy left for side projects! I try and keep lots of different business projects going though, from new designs to custom work to wedding invitations, so I always have something new and interesting going on.

What sort of pitfalls/challenges have you run into along the way and how did you tackle them?
There are pitfalls and challenges every day! Everything from problems with the press, packages lost in the mail, not being able to get the image right on a certain print, to problems getting the right ink color. Running a business is like tackling a constant stream of challenges, but that is what makes it so satisfying! I think the most important thing is to realize that the challenges are usually small and it's important not to get discouraged since there is always a solution, no matter how difficult it is to find.

What advice would you to give to other women aspiring to start their own business?
Work hard! And choose something you really love, which makes it easy to get through those challenging days. It's just like any other job, you have to put in the time in order to grow. Even if you are feeling stuck, keep showing up, making new products, writing those emails. Eventually hard work pays off! 

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Summer Quilts

Summer is almost here (I hope!) and I have big news about our summer quilts today! I've decided to focus on selling them retail and stop wholesaling them, and because of the way wholesale pricing works (you can learn more about that here), I am able to lower the retail price!

They are now available for $280 instead of the original price of $320. These are lightweight, summer quilts that I use alone during the summer and then over a comforter in the winter. Also perfect for cuddling up in during a Law & Order marathon (this statement has been tested for accuracy).

The quilts are entirely handmade in Kutch, India (read more about the trip I took to make them here). To start the process, I carved the design in linoleum, then sent it to India to be re-carved in hardwood. The design is then hand block printed with a mud-resist paste and dip-dyed in natural indigo dye. Then two layers (one printed and one solid indigo) are stitched together by hand to create the finished quilt. Just like indigo-dyed jeans, the quilts get softer the more you use them.

You can find the quilts in the shop right here. Happy almost summer!